S231 - 

Search Team Operations Course


This is the foundational course for members of search and rescue teams that have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Emergency Management Search and Rescue Program.  This course provides the foundational skills needed to perform as a member on any type of search team and provides the basis that all other advanced skills are built from.  The class is  approximately 40 hours of mixed content classroom and hands on field skills.
This class is conducted regardless of weather and participants should be prepared for the conditions present. 

Participants will cover a broad range of topics to include:

Upon successful completion of the course and the other requisite courses attendees may achieve certification as a Search Team Member (STM). 

This course is a pre-requisite for all other SAR Academy courses. 


Co-Requisites for Certification as an STM

The following are required for certification and strongly recommended prior to SAR Academy attendance: